Gerard Friell - The Rome That Did Not ...

Gerard Friell - The Rome That Did Not Fall.jpg

Gerard Friell - The Rome That Did Not Fall.jpg
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Why did the Western Roman empire collapse in the fifth century and the Eastern Roman empire survive for another thousand years?
The Rome That Did Not Fall examines the two halves of the Roman empire in the fifth century_the Latin West and the Greek East. Stephen Williams and Gerard Friell explore how, despite similar military and political turmoils, the western empire all but collapsed and the eastern empire survived and consolidated its power in the face of the invading barbarians, weak and immature emperors and intrigues around the throne. The Rome That Did Not Fall analyzes the remarkable recovery of the eastern empire, comparing the parallel and diverging developments in east and west, and tracing the evolution of new skills and strategies in the east_diplomatic, military, political and fiscal. This well-illustrated and well-documented book provides a stimulating exploration of the fifth century Roman empire.